電力詞匯1·新譯通翻譯公司-專業電氣電子通訊類翻譯 |
dado 墻裙
daily service fuel tank level switch 日用油缸液位掣
damage 損毀
damper 擋板
damper linkage 風閘聯動裝置
damper motor 風閘馬達
damping mat 阻尼墊
dangerous earth potential 危險性對地電勢
dashpot 減震器
data transmission 數據傳輸
DC/AC converter 直流電/交流電轉換器
dead 不帶電
dead weight 自重
decanter 沉淀分取器
declaration of conformity 符合標準聲明
decommissioning 解除運作;停止運作
decompression chamber 減壓室
decorative lighting 裝飾照明;燈飾
deep bore well pump 深鉆井泵
defect liability period 故障修理責任期;保用期
defectograph 鋼纜探傷儀;故障檢查儀
defence in depth 縱深防御
definite sequence 固定次序
deflection 偏轉;撓度
deflector sheave 折向輪;導向輪
defrost timer 防霜時間掣
defrost unit 溶雪組合
dehumidifier 抽濕機
deleterious substance 有害物質
delivery and return air temperature 送風及回風溫度
delivery connection 出油接頭
delivery pressure 輸出壓力
demand side management 用電需求管理
demand side management agreement 用電需求管理協議
demand side management programme 用電需求管理計劃
dent 凹痕
dental instrument 牙科儀器
dental scaler 洗牙具
Departmental Administration Division [Electrical and Mechanical
Services Department] 行政部〔機電工程署〕
Departmental Safety Unit [Electrical and Mechanical Services
Department] 部門安全組〔機電工程署〕
deposition 沉積物
depth measuring facility 深度測量裝置
derating factor 額定值降低因子
derust 除銹
descale 清除氧化皮
design current 設計電流
design parameter 設計參數
designated employee 指定雇員
detachable grip 可拆除的夾扣
Details of Branch Offices of Registered Electrical Contractors
deterioration 變質;變壞
Deutsche Industrie Normen [DIN] 德國工業標準
device 器件;裝置
dewatering 脫水;排水
diaphragm 膜片;隔板
dielectric strength test 電介質強度測試
diesel fuel tank 柴油燃料缸
diesel oil 柴油
differential gasket 差速器襯墊
differential lock 差速器鎖
differential oil 差速器機油
diffuser 透光罩;擴散器
dilute 稀釋
dim sum trolley 點心手推車
dim transformer 光暗變壓器
diminution of value 減值
dimmer 調光器;光暗掣;光暗器
dip tube 液位探測管
Diploma in Electrical Engineering 電機工程學文憑
dipstick 量油尺
direct current [DC] 直流電
direct current control 直流控制
direct current electric drive 直流電電力驅動
direct current reactor 直流電抗器
direct drive 直接驅動
direct purging 直接驅氣
direct-acting lift 直接驅動升降機
direct-fired vaporizer 明火直熱式汽化器
direction arrow 方向箭頭
direction arrow plate 方向指示板
direction indicator 方向指示器
Director of Electrical and Mechanical Services 機電工程署署長
Directory of Accredited Laboratories 認可實驗所名冊
Directory of Quality System Registration Bodies
disassemble 拆散
discharge 放電;卸載
discharge lamp 放電燈;放電管
discharge lighting 放電照明設施
discharge of electricity 釋電;放電
discharge valve 排水閥
disciplinary board 紀律審裁委員會
disciplinary board panel 紀律審裁委員團
disciplinary tribunal 紀律審裁小組
disciplinary tribunal panel
discolouring 變色
disconnection 截斷;截離
disconnector 切斷器
disinfectant tank 消毒箱
dispatch floor 調度樓層
dispatch interval time 調度間隔時間
dispatch panel 調度盤
dispatch signal 調度信號
dispatcher board 調度程序指示板;綜合指示箱
dispersant 化油劑
displacement switch 位移開關
displacement type governor 位移式調速器
disposable cylinder 只用一次的石油氣瓶
disposable liquefied petroleum gas cartridge
distinctive smell 特有氣味
distortion 失真
distribution board 配電箱
distribution of electricity 分配電力;配電
distribution panel 配電盤;配電板;配電屏
distribution substation 配電分站
distribution system 配電系統
distributor 分火器;分配器;分銷商
district cooling scheme 區域性冷卻系統
diurnal variation 日際變化
diversion kerb 導流壆
diversion sheave 折向輪
diversity 參差額
diverter 分流器
diverting pulley 折向滑輪
domestic gas appliance 住宅式氣體用具
domestic instantaneous gas water heater
door cam 門鎖
door catch 門扣
door close button 關門按鈕
door closing weight 自動關門錘砣
door contact 門觸點
door control 門控制
door gasket 柜門封邊膠條
door gib 門導塊
door header cover 門頭罩
door hinge 門鉸;門鉸鏈
door interlock 門聯鎖
door interlock switch 門聯鎖開關
door limit switch 門限位開關
door lock 門鎖
door lock cover 門鎖罩
door locking device 鎖門裝置
door open button 開門按鈕
door open limit 開門限位
door operating gear 門啟動裝置
door operating guide 門啟動導向件
door operation 門操作
door sill 門坎;門坎
door track 門軌
dose 劑量
dose rate 劑量率
dosimetry 劑量學;劑量測量法
double burner 雙頭爐
double case construction [fuel tank] 雙層包箱〔油箱〕
double riveting 雙排鉚接
double wrap 雙繞;復繞
double-capped fluorescent lamp 雙頭熒光燈
double-insulated equipment 雙重絕緣器具
double-insulated isolating transformer 雙重絕緣隔離變壓器
double-pole switch 雙極開關掣
double-wound 雙線繞組的
double-wound transformer 雙繞組變壓器
down arrow 下行箭頭
down direction valve 下行控制閥
down final limit and terminal stopping switch
down rod 懸桿
down-draught diverter 倒風折流器;拔風罩
downstream 下游
drain 放水;排水
drain cock 排水旋塞;“清缸掣”
drain valve 排水閥
drawbar 牽引桿
drawn-in tape 拉線帶
draw-off connection 卸載接頭
draw-off rate 出汽率
drill 電鉆
drilling machine 鉆
drip pan 接滴盤
drive 驅動;驅動裝置
drive axle 驅動輪軸
drive chain 驅動鏈
drive control 驅動控制
drive hub 驅動輪轂
drive motor 驅動馬達
drive system 驅動系統
drive unit 驅動器;驅動單元
driving belt 驅動皮帶
driving gear 驅動齒輪
driving gear assembly 驅動齒輪組件
driving gearbox 驅動齒輪箱
driving machine 驅動機
driving machine brake 驅動機制動器
driving motor 驅動馬達
driving pinion 驅動齒輪
driving sheave 驅動輪
drop test 下墜測試
drum drive 滾筒驅動裝置
dry cooking appliance 干式煮食器具
dry powder type fire extinguisher 干粉滅火器
drying machine 干衣機
dry-sealed gasholder 干封式貯氣鼓
duct 管道
duct air treatment system 管道空氣處理系統
ducter 微阻計
ductility 延展性;延伸度
ducting 管道;管通
ductwork 管道系統
dumb waiter 小型送貨升降機;送菜升降機
duplex control 兩部相聯控制
duplicate conductor 二重導體
duplicate insulator 二重絕緣體
duplicate permit 復本許可證;許可證復本
duplicate protective conductor 雙重保護導體
dust seal 防塵封
duty technician 值勤技術員
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