





標的物 Subject matter
招標通告 call for bid
招標通知 tender notice
招標文件 bid documents
招標條件 general conditions of tender
招標截止日期 date of the closing of tender
招標方 tenderer
投標 submission of tenders
投標方,投標商tenderer, bidder
投標邀請書 Invitation to Bid
投標押金,押標金 Bid Bond
投標文件 tender documents
做標,編標 work out tender documents
投標書 Form of Tender
投標評估 evaluation of bids
be wi11ing/unwilling to participate in the bid
我們擬參加……的投標。We wish to tender fro…
We agree to abide by the conditions of Tender specified above.
資格預審 prequalification
詢價 inquiry
詢價請求,詢價單 Requisition for Inquiry
報價 quotation
報價表格 Form of Quotation
提交報價 submission of quotation
升價,提價 escalation
An inadequate(e.g. by telephone) or unresponsive quotation may be reason for rejecting the quotation
標底 base price limit on bids
報標 bid quotation
評標 evaluation of tender
議標 tender discussion
決標 tender decision
開標 bid opening
中標 has/have won the bidding in …
中標者 the winning/successful bidder, the successful tenderer
未中標者 the unsuccessful tenderer
中標函 Letter of Acceptance


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