漢語時事詞語英譯·新譯通翻譯公司-專業政治類翻譯 |
保稅區 bonded area
不正當競爭 illicit competition
承包責任制 contract responsibility system
城市舊區改造 makeover for an old downtown area
出國熱 craze of going abroad
傳呼電話 neighbourhood telephone answering services
打“白條” issue an IOU
道德法庭 conscience forum
德智體美全面發展 develop morally, intellectually,
physically and aesthetically
第二職業 second employment; second occupation
第三產業 tertiary industry
“第三者” the other person
第三梯隊 third echelon
對內搞活,對外開放 enliven the domestic economy and open
up to the outside world
多種經營 diversified economy
港人治港 Hong Kong people govern Hong Kong
高架道路 viaduct; elevated highways
搞活經濟 invigorate /enliven / liberalize the economy
感情投資 invest in human relations
改革開放 reform and open up (to the outside world)
改善投資環境 improve the investment climate
公款吃喝 banquet at public expenses
官倒 official profiteering; official racketeering
國民生產總值翻兩番 quadruple the GNP
合資企業 joint venture
和平統一 peaceful reunification
橫向經濟聯系 lateral economic ties
戶籍制度 household registration system
婚外戀 affair(e); extramarital affair(e)
婚外性生活 sex out of wedlock
婚姻介紹所 amtrimonial agency; matchmaking agency; marriage
基本國策 basic state policy
計劃生育 family planning
假冒偽劣商品 fake or inferior quality commodity
精神文明 intellectual and ideological development
經濟開發區 economic development zone
經濟特區 special economic zone
九年義務教育 nine-year compulsory education
舉報中心 corruption-reporting centre
“空嫂” married air hostess
廉政建設 construction of a clean government
留守男士 grass widower
留守女士 grass widow
亂漲價 unauthorized price rise
民工 out-of-town labourer; rural labourer; migrant labourer
農轉非 agricultural people to be given non-agricultural status
“扒分” moonlight
攀比風 craze to vie with each other
“妻管嚴” hen-pecked husband
搶購風 panic buying; buying spree
拳頭產品 hit product
權利下放 delegate / decentralize power to the lower levels
人才流失 brain drain
人才市場 careers fair
人浮于事 overstaffed
三角債 debt chains
掃黃運動 anti-porn drive
商品房 condo(minimu)
社會風氣 social morality
社會風尚 social graces; social graciousness
涉外婚姻 Chinese marriage with foreign nationals
“跳槽” job-hop
退居二線 leave the leading post; retire from the leading post
拖欠教師工資 suspend teachers' salaries; holdback teachers'
晚婚晚育 late marriage and postponement of childbearing
歪風邪氣 evil winds
外向型經濟 export-oriented economy
五好家庭 five-virtue family
五講四美三熱愛 five advocations, four points of beauty and
three aspects of love
物質文明 material progress
下崗人員 redundant; laid-off
“下! risk one's fortune in doing business
小康水平 comfortably-off life; well-to-do level
小商品市場 smalls fair
香港特別行政區 Hong Kong Special Administrative Region(HKSAR)
鄉政企業 township enterprise; rural enterprise
信息高速公路 information (super) highway; info highway
性騷擾 sexual harrassment; sexual disturbance
姓社姓資問題 distinction of what is socialism and what is
學科帶頭人 academic pacesetter; academic pacemaker
一刀切 sweeping approach
一對夫婦只生一個孩子 one couple, one child
一國兩制 one country, two systems
一切向錢看 money-mania; money-mad; put money above anything
“一條龍”服務 coordinated-process service
以權謀私 abuse power for personal gains
移風易俗 transform outmoded habit and custom
優化產業結構 modify the industrial structure
優化勞動組合 optimize the organization of labour
優惠政策 preferential policy
與國際接軌 gear… to international conventions
越江隧道 cross-river tunnel
擇優錄取 admit / hire the best examinee / candidate / aplicant
政企分開 separate government functions from enterprise
執法監督部門 law-enforcing departments and supervisory
植物人 vegetable
中國國情 China's actual conditions
重合同守信用 ovserve contracts and keep promises
住房按揭 housing mortgage
轉虧為盈 turn loss into gain
自籌資金 self-raised funds
自費留學生 self-funded / self-financed student studying abroad
自負盈虧 be responsible for one's own profit and loss
走共同致富的道路 take the road to common prosperity
綜合國力 the overall national strength
尊師重教 show respect to teachers and attach great importance to
尊重知識、尊重人才 respect knowledge and intellectuals
遵紀守法 observe discipline and abide by the law
■ 專業翻譯口筆譯翻譯報價
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