





123 Democratic Alliance [123DA] 一二三民主聯盟

abolition of a seat 取消議席

abolition of an appointed seat 取消委任議席

absentee voting 缺席投票

absolute majority 絕對多數

absolute majority of votes 絕對多數票

absolute system 絕對票數制

abstain from voting 放棄投票;放棄表決

abstention vote 棄權票

abuse of power 濫用權力

acceptance objected to 反對此選票獲接納;選票獲接納遭反對

acceptance of office as a member 接受議員席位

accountable office rental allowance 實報實銷的辦事處租金津貼

accountable to... 對……負責

accountancy functional constituency 會計界功能界別

accountancy subsector 會計界界別分組

across-the-board support 廣泛支持

act of state 國家行為

ad hoc group 項目小組

Ad Hoc Sub-Group on Population Forecasts 人口預測專責小組

ad hoc tribunal 專責審裁處

adaptation of laws 法律適應化;改編法律

adjourn 休會;散會

adjournment 休會待續〔臨時立法會〕

adjournment debate 休會辯論

adjournment of a count 押后點票

adjournment of debate 辯論中止待續

adjournment of poll 押后投票

adjournment of the counting of votes 押后點票

Administrative Appeals Board 行政上訴委員會

administrative boundary 行政分界
administrative district 行政區

administrative district boundary 行政區分界

administrative guidelines 行政指引

administrative review [China] 行政復議〔中國〕

administrative system 行政制度

"Administrator, Department of Justice [formerly known as Chambers Manager]" 律政司政務總監〔前稱律政署政務總監〕

admiralty jurisdiction 海事裁判權

adult 成人;成年人

Advance Return of Donations 接受捐贈預先申報書

Advance Return of Donations by a Geographical Constituency List of Candidates 地方選區候選人名單接受捐贈預先申報書

advancement of the poll 提前投票

adversarial politics 對立形式的政治制度;反對派系政治

Advice of Notice of Objection 反對登記通知書

advisory capacity 顧問身分

advisory committee 咨詢委員會

advisory role 咨詢功能;咨詢角色

affirmation 確認

affirmative vote 贊成票

age group 年齡組別

age of candidature 參選年齡

age of eligibility for candidature 合資格參選年齡

age of entitlement to vote 有權投票年齡;選民年齡

age of full capacity 能完全自決的年齡

age of majority 成年歲數

age qualification 年齡規定

agency voter 機構選民

agenda 議程

agent identity card 代理人身分證明名牌

agent of a candidate 候選人的代理人

agent of the Government 政府的代理人

aggregate preference votes 累積選票
aggregate votes 總票數

agreed minute 會議紀要

agreement and understanding 協議和諒解

Agreement between the British and Chinese sides on the Question of the Court of Final Appeal in Hong Kong 《中英雙方關于香港終審法院問題的協議》

"""agreement to disagree"" formula" “同意保留分歧意見”的方式

agriculture and fisheries functional constituency 漁農界功能界別

agriculture and fisheries subsector 漁農界界別分組

alien 外籍人士

allegiance 效忠

amendment 修正案〔臨時立法會〕;修訂

amendment order 修訂令

annual vetting exercise [voter register] 一年一度的審核工作〔選民登記冊〕

anonymous donation 不記名捐款

Appeal Committee 上訴委員會

appellate court 上訴法院

Application for Polling and Counting Staff 投票站及點票站工作人員職位申請書

Application for Registration in a Functional Constituency 功能組別登記冊登記申請書

Application for Registration in the General Electoral Roll 選民總名冊登記申請書

Application for Voter Registration (Geographical Constituencies) 地方選區選民登記申請表

appointed ad personam 以個人身分獲委任

appointed member 委任議員

appointed seat 委任議席

appointee 獲委任的人

appointment process 委任程序

appointment system 委任制度

Appropriation Bill 撥款法案

appropriation of public funds 撥用公帑

approved programme [vote counting] 認可程序〔點票〕

April 5th Action Group 四五行動

"architectural, surveying and planning functional constituency" 建筑、測量及都市規劃界功能界別

"architectural, surveying and planning subsector" 建造、測量及都市規劃界界別分組

area code 地區代號 
area committee 分區委員會

armband 臂章

ascertainment of the qualifications of electors 確定選民資格

assembly 議院

Assessment Office [1984] 民意審核專員辦事處〔一九八四年〕

assigned number 獲配席位數目

Assistant Counting Supervisor 助理點票主任

Assistant Electoral Registration Officer 助理選舉登記主任

Assistant Presiding Officer 助理投票站主任

Assistant Registration Officer 助理登記主任

Assistant Returning Officer 助理選舉主任

Assistant Returning Officer (General) 助理選舉主任(一般事務)

Association for a Better Hong Kong 建港協會

Association for Democracy and Justice 民主公義協會

Association for Democracy of Hong Kong Limited 香港民主協會有限公司

Association for the Promotion of Public Justice (Hong Kong) 香港公義促進會

assumption paper 征求同意文件

authentic text 真確本

authentication of a candidate's qualifications 鑒定候選人資格

authentication of a nominator 鑒定提名人

Authorization for Display/Distribution of Election Advertisements at Private Premises 在私人物業展示或分發選舉廣告授權書

authorized representative 獲授權代表

automatic dissolution 自動解散

automatic registration 自動登記

automatic registration system 自動登記制度

autonomy 自治

avenue of appeal 上訴途徑

background information 背景資料

bad ballot paper 壞票

balance of membership 均衡成員比例

balanced composition 成分均衡 
balanced representation 均衡代表性

ballot 投票;選票

ballot box 投票箱

ballot paper 選票

ballot paper account 選票結算表;選票結算書

banner 橫額

banner control scheme 管制懸掛橫額的辦法

Basic Law Consultative Committee [BLCC] 基本法咨詢委員會

Basic Law Drafting Committee [BLDC] 基本法起草委員會

Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China [Basic Law] 《中華人民共和國香港特別行政區基本法》〔《基本法》〕

Basic Law Promotion Steering Committee 基本法推廣督導委員會〔基廣會〕

basic rights and freedoms 基本權利和自由

"Better Hong Kong Foundation, The" 香港明天更好基金

bicameral legislature 兩議院制立法機關

bicameral model 一會兩局方案

bilateral agreement 雙邊協議

bilateral programme 雙邊協議計劃

Bilingual Laws Advisory Committee [BLAC] 雙語法例咨詢委員會

bill 條例草案;法案〔臨時立法會〕;法律草案

Bills Committee [Provisional Legislative Council] 法案委員會〔臨時立法會〕

binding 具有約束力

bi-system model 一會兩制方案

blank ballot 空白票

blind elector 失明選民

block vote method 全票制

block vote system 全票制

blue bill 藍紙條例草案

blueprint 藍本

body corporate 法人團體;法團

boundary [geographical constituency] 分界〔地方選區〕

Boundary and Election Commission 選區分界及選舉事務委員會

Boundary and Election Commission Ordinance [Cap. 432] 《選區分界及選舉事務委員會條例》〔第432章〕 
boundary demarcation 劃分選區

boundary description 區界說明

boundary of administration 管理線

boundary of administration between Hong Kong and Guangdong 粵港邊界管理線

bribery or intimidation in relation to standing as a candidate 就參選事宜賄賂或威嚇任何人

bribery or intimidation relating to candidature 有關參選的賄賂或恐嚇

briefing session 演示文稿會;簡介會

broadcasting van 廣播車輛;流動宣傳車

broadened franchise 擴大的選民范圍

broadly based 有多方面代表參與

broadly representative 有廣泛代表性

Bronze Bauhinia Star [BBS] 銅紫荊星章

budget debate 財政預算案辯論

buffer zone 緩沖區

Buffer Zone Scheme 緩沖區計劃

Business and Professional Federation of Hong Kong [BPF] 香港工商專業聯會〔工商聯〕

by-election 補選

by-election notice 補選公告

cabinet 內閣

call for nomination 吁請提名

call to order 要求遵守規則;宣布開會

campaign 運動;活動

campaign assistant 競選助理

campaign expenditure 競選開支

campaign funding 競選經費

campaign literature 競選刊物

campaign material 宣傳物品

campaign paper 競選文件

campaign partner 競選伙伴

candidacy 候選人身分;候選人資格

candidate 候選人;競選人;參選人 
Candidate's Consent to Nomination and Declarations 候選人提名同意書及聲明書

candidature 候選人身分;候選人資格

canvasser 拉票人

canvassing 拉票活動

canvassing agent 拉票代理人

canvassing aide 助選團成員

capping 設定上限

casting vote 決定票;主席決定性一票

casual vacancy 臨時空缺

categorical vote 決斷票

catering subsector 飲食界界別分組

ceiling 上限

censure 譴責

central counting station 中央點票站

central government level 中央政府層面

central institutions of government 政府中央組織

Central People's Government [China] 中央人民政府〔中國〕

Central Policy Unit 中央政策組

central regime 中央政權

centralized address system 集中處理地址資料的系統

certificate for posting of election communication 投寄選舉函件證明書

cessation of office 停任

"Chairman, Electoral Affairs Commission" 選舉管理委員會主席

"Chairman, Heung Yee Kuk" 鄉議局主席

"Chairman, House Committee of the Provisional Legislative Council" 臨時立法會內務委員會主席

"Chairman, Provisional Legislative Council" 臨時立法會主席

"Chairman, Provisional Regional Council" 臨時區域市政局主席

"Chairman, Provisional Urban Council" 臨時市政局主席

"Chairman, Standing Committee of the National People's Congress [China]" 全國人民代表大會常務委員會委員長〔中國〕

chairman's brief 主席備忘錄

Charter of the United Nations 聯合國憲章

check and balance 制衡作用;互相制衡 
check digit [poll card] 核對編號〔投票通知卡〕

Chief Electoral Officer 總選舉事務主任

"Chief Executive, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region" 香港特別行政區行政長官

Chief Executive in Council 行政長官會同行政會議

Chief Judge of the High Court 高等法院首席法官

Chief Justice of the Court of Final Appeal 終審法院首席法官

Chief Returning Officer 總選舉主任

Chief Secretary for Administration [formerly known as Chief Secretary] 政務司司長〔前稱布政司〕

Chinese medicine subsector 中醫界界別分組

Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference [CPPCC] 中國人民政治協商會議〔全國政協〕

Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference subsector 中國人民政治協商會議界別分組

Chung Hwa Travel Service [of Taiwan] 中華旅行社〔臺灣機構〕

circulation paper 傳閱文件

citizen 公民

Citizens Party [CP] 民權黨

civic awareness 公民意識

civic consciousness 公民意識

civic education 公民教育

civic education body 公民教育組織

Civic Education Resource Centre 公民教育資源中心

civic rights and responsibilities 公民權利及責任

Civil Force 公民力量

Clerk to the Executive Council 行政會議秘書〔前稱行政局秘書〕

Clerk to the Provisional Legislative Council 臨時立法會秘書〔前稱立法局秘書〕

clique 小派別

close of session 會期終結

closed-door discussion 閉門會談

closing speech [National People's Congress] 閉幕詞〔全國人民代表大會〕

coalition 聯盟

coat-tail effect 憑借作用;聯票效應

code reference number 參考代號 
collective responsibility 集體負責制

combined polling arrangement 合并投票安排

"Commander, People's Liberation Army Military Force in Hong Kong Special Administration Region" 中國解放軍駐香港特別行政區部隊司令員

commercial (first) functional constituency 商界(第一)功能界別

commercial (first) subsector 商界(第一)界別分組

commercial (second) functional constituency 商界(第二)功能界別

commercial (second) subsector 商界(第二)界別分組

Commission on Human Rights 人權委員會

Commission on Youth 青年事務委員會

"Commissioner, Assessment Office [1984]" 民意審核專員〔一九八四年〕

Commissioner for Oaths 監誓官

"Commissioner, Survey Office [1987]" 民意匯集專員〔一九八七年〕

committal [bill] 付委〔法案〕

Committee for the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region [National People's Congress] [China] 香港特別行政區基本法委員會〔全國人民代表大會〕〔中國〕

committee of the whole Council [Provisional Legislative Council] 全體委員會〔臨時立法會〕

Committee on Members' Allowances [Provisional Legislative Council Commission] 立法會議員津貼事宜委員會〔臨時立法會行政管理委員會〕

Committee on Members' Interests [Provisional Legislative Council] 議員個人利益監察委員會〔臨時立法會〕

Committee on Rules of Procedure [Provisional Legislative Council] 議事規則委員會〔臨時立法會〕

Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination 消除種族歧視委員會

Committee on the Promotion of Civic Education 公民教育委員會

committee paper 會議文件

committee report 委員會報告

committee stage [Provisional Legislative Council] 委員會審議階段〔臨時立法會〕

committee stage amendment 委員會審議階段修訂建議

common law 普通法

community identity 社區獨特性

community organizer 社區干事

Community Participation Scheme 公民教育活動資助計劃

Community Participation Scheme on Human Rights Projects 人權教育活動資助計劃

Community Relations Department [ICAC] 社區關系處〔廉政公署〕

community sensitivity 社區感

company voter 團體投票人 
compartment 分隔間

compendium 民意匯集文件

competent authority 主管當局;主管部門

Complaints Committee [Electoral Affairs Commission] 投訴處理會〔選舉管理委員會〕

comprehensive consultation 全面咨詢

compromise candidate 在妥協情況下產生的候選人

compulsory registration 強制登記

compulsory voting 強制投票

concern group 關注團體

confidential diplomatic exchange 機密外交往還

confidential paper 機密文件

confidential session 機密會議

conflict of interest 利益沖突

conflicting loyalties 雙重效忠

confrontational politics 對抗式政治

congress 國會;議會

conjoin debate 聯會辯論

consensus 共識;一致意見;共同意見

consensus candidate 協商產生的候選人

consent by a candidate for nomination 候選人同意提名

Consent of Support 支持同意書

consequential amendment 相應修訂

consolidated legislation 綜合法例

conspiracy theorist 陰謀論者

constituency 選區;選舉界別

constituency boundary 選區分界

constituency demarcation plan 選區劃分圖

constituent representative body 組別代表團體

constituted by election 由選舉產生

constitution 憲制;憲法

Constitution of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference 中國人民政治協商會議章程 
Constitution of the People's Republic of China 《中華人民共和國憲法》

Constitutional Affairs Bureau [formerly known as Constitutional Affairs Branch] [Government Secretariat] 政制事務局〔前稱憲制事務科〕〔政府總部〕

Constitutional Affairs Policy Group 政制事務政策小組

constitutional convention 憲法慣例

constitutional legislature 符合憲法的立法機構

constitutional presumption 憲法推斷

construction of laws 法例的釋疑

consular corps 領事團

consular protection 領事保護

consultation 咨詢;協商;征詢意見

consultation paper 咨詢文件

consultation period 咨詢期

consultation system 咨詢制度

consultative and advisory body 咨詢組織

consultative committee 咨詢委員會;顧問委員會

consultative system 咨詢制度

contested election 有競逐的選舉

contiguous area 毗連的區域

continuity 延續性;持續性;連續性

continuity of the legislature 立法機構的延續

convener 召集人

"Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment [United Nations]" 《禁止酷刑和其它殘忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或處罰公約》〔聯合國〕

Convention of the Rights of the Child [United Nations] 《兒童權利公約》〔聯合國〕

Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women [CEDAW] 《消除對婦女一切形式歧視公約》

convergence 銜接

conviction on indictment 循公訴程序定罪

co-operative partnership 伙伴關系

Co-operative Resources Centre [CRC] [dissolved in March 1993] 啟聯資源中心〔啟聯〕〔一九九三年三月解散〕

co-opted member 增選委員

co-ordinating committee 統籌委員會

corporate elector 團體選民

corporate member 團體成員 
corporate voter 團體投票人

corporate voting 法團投票;團體投票

Corrective Declaration of Election Advertisements 修訂選舉廣告聲明書

corresponding subsector 對等界別分組

Corrupt and Illegal Practices Ordinances [Cap. 288] 《舞弊及非法行為條例》〔第288章〕

corrupt practice 舞弊行為

corruption 貪污;舞弊

Corruption Prevention Department [ICAC] 防止貪污處〔廉政公署〕

Council Agenda Item Book 臨時立法會議程事項登記冊

Council Business Division 議會事務部

Counsel to the Provisional Legislative Council 臨時立法會法律顧問

count 點票

counted ballot paper 已點算的選票

counterfoil [ballot paper] 存根〔選票〕

countermanding of an election 撤銷選舉

counting agent 監察點票代理人

counting centre 點票中心

counting machine 點票機

counting of votes 點票;點算選票

Counting Officer 點票助理員

counting procedure 點票程序

counting staff 點票站工作人員

counting station 點票站

Counting Supervisor 點票主任

counting zone 點票區

Court of Appeal of the High Court 高等法院上訴法庭

Court of Final Appeal 終審法院

Court of First Instance of the High Court 高等法院原訟法庭

credibility 公信力

cross border 跨境

cross boundary 跨界 
cross membership 共同成員

cross-authorization 互相授權

cross-border liaison meeting 邊境聯絡會議

current term of office 現屆任期

custody and control 保管及掌管

customary law 習慣法;習俗法

decentralization 地方分權化

Decision of the National People's Congress on the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China 《全國人民代表大會關于中華人民共和國香港特別行政區基本法的決定》

Decision of the National People's Congress on the Establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 《全國人民代表大會關于設立香港特別行政區的決定》

Decision of the National People's Congress on the Method for the Formation of the First Government and the First Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 《全國人民代表大會關于香港特別行政區第一屆政府和立法會產生辦法的決定》

decision-making power 決定權

Declaration of Constituencies (Districts) Order 1994 《1994年選區(地區)宣布令》

Declaration of Constituencies (Legislative Council) Order 1997 [made under 134 of 1997] 《1997年選區(立法會)宣布令》〔根據1997年第134號訂立〕

Declaration of Election Advertisements 選舉廣告聲明書

declaration of interest 申報利益關系;表明立場

Declaration of Secrecy 保密聲明書

Declaration of the Government of the People's Republic of China on the Territorial Sea 《中華人民共和國政府關于領海的聲明》

declaratory interest 須申報的利益

declared area 已宣布區域

declared elected 宣布當選

defamation 誹謗

defence affairs 國防事務;防務問題

defence and public order 防務與治安;防務與公共秩序

defence estates 軍用土地房產;軍用房屋土地

defence land 軍事用地

defence responsibilities 防務責任

defensive question and answer 答問資料;補充答問;備用答問資料

definitive roll 確定的名冊

delegation 轉委〔職能〕;轉授〔權力〕

delineation 劃定

delineation of constituencies 選區劃界

demarcation 分界;劃定;劃分 

demarcation criteria 劃定選區分界的準則

demarcation exercise 劃界工作

demarcation of boundaries 劃定分界

demarcation of constituencies 劃分選區

demarcation of constituency boundaries 劃定選區分界;劃分選區范圍;劃定選區分界

democracy 民主

Democracy Forum 民主臺

Democratic Alliance for Betterment of Hong Kong [DAB] 民主建港聯盟〔民建聯〕

democratic development 民主發展

democratic government 民主政府;民主政制

democratic participation 民主參與

Democratic Party [DP] 民主黨

democratic supervision 民主監督

democratization 民主發展;民主進程

demographic trend 人口分布發展趨向

departure from the population quota 偏離人口配額

dependent territory 屬土

deposit 按金;保證金

Deputies Credentials Committee [Standing Committee of the National People's Congress] 代表資格審查委員會〔全國人大常務委員會〕

Deputy Presiding Officer 副投票站主任

Deputy Secretary for Constitutional Affairs 政制事務局副局長〔前稱副憲制事務司〕


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