中譯英 電影研究案例選登
Bacon used to classify human beings’ memory into 3 types: memory, imagination and reason. “The history involves memory; poetry involves imagination; and philosophy involves reason.” Real image art should touch off the memory, encourage lives and reveal and get close to truth constantly applying audio-visual feelings, emotion and imagination. Beautiful and reserved Thai epic films with special styles have succeeded in leading and promoting recovery and diversified development of national films of Thailand when film industry went to the bottom status; they have also provided a precious experience for the global film field in 21st century.
Due to the special education environment of Chinese students, films describing students’ life usually avoid love issues. Because they could be doubted to advocate puppy love. In Chinese schools, puppy love is forbidden, the reason is that puppy love would affect study, especially under the macro environment of exam-oriented education. All effort was for entering a higher school. Can improvement of knowledge break away from emotion growth? The answer is “not really”. We usually blame the only child to be selfish. But we haven’t let them grow up in healthy love, friendship and family relation indeed?
Looking back on Chinese youth films, very few of them are describing students’ life, and even no one of them mainly describes love of students. Once if a film involves puppy love, they usually hide it under the shadow of other topics of dogmatism. Most of them stress on ideal education and inspirational education. With heavy traces of ideology, they always appear as educators. As a result, they are not popular with students at all. By contrast, Thai youth films don’t depict teachers’ interference and discipline on students. However, once roles like teachers appear in Chinese youth films, they usually talk about how they solve bad students’ problems, while Thai youth films usually explore how to improve quality education. Of course, quality education doesn’t include love issues. Everyone knows that maturity of youths has been brought forwarded due to fast and strengthened information passing through TV and network. And the so-called youth unrest is also brought forwarded by several years. Puppy love at 13 or 14 is very common. Considering Lin Daiyu and Jia Baoyu, they also fell in love with each other at this age. Teenagers like flash, science fiction and action films, but they also like films describing their love and friendship truly. This is an issue requiring breakthrough in Chinese youth films. We should breakout the concept of “edutainment” totally and place ourselves in position of realism, and represent youths’ emotional life and mentation objectively with an attitude of equality. We shall make every effort to impress the audience with cute, pure and sincere youths from emotional experience of young people must be beautiful, passionate and romantic. Naturally, young people usual esthetics. In choreographer’s mind, they have problems in love due to immaturity; e.g. a boy in Hormone almost fell into a trap transiting his love to a Japanese girl. However, the choreographer didn’t blame him at all; instead, he had described his waking up to reality. He told his girlfriend sincerely about the trap, and apologized to her. That made him sincere and cute. This is also the meaning why we study on these Thai youth films.
Today, with Thai film’s development, its mode of commercial production is being industrialized and diversified. Some sophisticated commercial genre films have already tapped into international cinemas and various countries’ film market, and won a batch of mature and enthusiastic audiences. We believe that, with Thailand’s national cinema being continuously brought towards the front of world civilization, it will finally break through the obstacle of post-colonial culture, and display its full appeal in the development process of national cinema based on local characteristic.
阿爾巴尼亞語 阿爾及利亞語 愛爾蘭語 愛沙尼亞語 阿拉伯語 阿塞拜疆語 保加利亞語 白俄羅斯語 波蘭語 波斯語 朝鮮語 達里語 丹麥語 菲律賓語 佛蘭德語 高加索語 高山語 格魯吉亞語 豪薩語 哈薩克語 荷蘭語 柬埔寨語 捷克語 吉爾吉斯語 柬埔寨語 高棉語 克羅地亞語 拉脫維亞語 老撾語 立陶宛語 苗族語 拉丁語 羅馬尼亞語 苗族語 馬來語 馬來西亞語 馬其頓語 蒙古語 孟加拉語 緬甸語 尼泊爾語 挪威語 敘利亞語 普什圖語 瑞典語 塞爾維亞語 斯洛伐克語 斯洛文尼亞語 斯瓦西里語 他加祿語 泰盧固語 泰米爾語 臺灣繁體 香港繁體 土耳其語 土庫曼語 維吾爾語 烏克蘭語 烏爾都語 西班牙語 希伯萊語 希伯來語 希臘語 匈牙利語 亞美尼亞語 意大利語 印地語 印度尼西亞語 印尼語 越南語 藏語 爪哇語 壯族語 烏克蘭語 沃洛夫語 白俄羅斯語 挪威語 塞蘇陀語 馬其頓語 基里巴斯語; 捷克語 巴利巴語 蒙古國語 斯瓦希里語 蘇丹語 柏柏爾語 阿法爾語 斯洛伐克語 韓語 薩拉語 尼泊爾語 阿拉伯語 烏茲別克語 芳語 桑戈語 卡布列語 富拉尼語 保加利亞語 紹納語 盧干達語 菲律賓語 摩爾多瓦語 宗卡語 盧旺達語 普什圖語 羅馬尼亞語 克里語 朝鮮語 奇契瓦語 拉脫維亞語 貝勞語 芬蘭語 克丘亞語 索馬里語 格魯吉亞語 拉丁語 錫金語 庫爾德語 迪烏拉語 克羅地亞語 波蘭語 奧爾語 班巴拉語 杜阿拉語 博茨瓦納語 布比語 緬甸語 林加拉語 達戈巴語 克里奧爾語 波斯語 約魯巴語 巴米累克語 文萊語 希臘語 愛爾蘭語 雅溫得語 吉爾吉斯語 印度語 斐濟語 孟加拉語 基隆迪語 亞美尼亞語 印地語 昂加頡語 曼丁哥語 基剛果語 塞爾維亞語 老撾語 謝列爾語 馬耳他語 塞爾維亞語 阿肯語埃維語 越南語 斯瓦蒂語 匈牙利語 僧伽羅語 阿爾巴尼亞語 達里語 科摩羅語 希伯萊語 奧溫本杜語 馬達加斯加語 丹麥語 立陶宛語 泰米爾語 愛沙尼亞語 提格雷尼亞語 豪薩語 瓜拉尼語 土耳其語 阿塞拜疆語 哈薩克斯坦語 瑞典語 意大利語 土庫曼語 阿姆哈拉語 德頓(TETUM)語 冰島語 塔吉克語 圖瓦盧語 恩德貝萊語 柬埔寨(高棉語)。